Saturday, February 21, 2009

Obama nixes plan to tax motorists on mileage

Obama nixes plan to tax motorists on mileage: "WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama on Friday rejected his transportation secretary's suggestion that the administration consider taxing motorists based on how many miles they drive instead of how much gasoline they buy.

'It is not and will not be the policy of the Obama administration,' White House press secretary Robert Gibbs told reporters, when asked for the president's thoughts about Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood's suggestion, raised in an interview with The Associated Press a daily earlier."

Do you get the sense that this administration is basically winging it on everything? It isn't surprising, considering that we have a president who has never administered anything. Don't say "he ran his campaigns," because he didn't. He was the front man, not the guy who wrote the music.

1 comment:

  1. This one won't go away by presidential proclamation.

    With plug-in hybrids, little or no gas tax will be collected since little or no gasoline will be used. That could be a very significant loss in revenue for both the federal and state governments. It needs to be addressed before plug-in hybrids are introduced.

    I suspect that special electric connections will be required, and that the electric companies will be collectors of the "electricity tax" on plug-in hybrids. An added benefit might be that the power companies would offer lower rates if the batteries are recharged during off-peak periods.

    There is no such thing as a simple change in a large economy.
