Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Obama Job Approval Dips Below 60% for First Time

Obama Job Approval Dips Below 60% for First Time
And the trend line doesn't look good. See for yourself on this Gallup graph. He comes in with a favorable/unfavorable of 69/13, and a month later he is at 59/25.

He inherited one heck of a mess, and that wasn't his fault, but let's face it--he has not handled things particularly well so far. He is trying to do a whole series of big things as fast as possible, before his honeymoon is over. That strategy may be backfiring.

1 comment:

  1. We are going from Bush recession to Obama depression. This bozo makes the proverbial drunken sailor appear as a model of financial prudence.

    With Obama and Pelosi, it is clear that the inmates are running the asylum in this country.
