Friday, February 13, 2009

Maryland Officials Upset Homeowner Associations Over Clotheslines|NewsChannel 8

Maryland Officials Upset Homeowner Associations Over Clotheslines|NewsChannel 8: "FREDERICK COUNTY, Md. - Frederick County state representatives are promoting energy efficiency, asking residents to make use of their backyards to dry clothes, but it's a move that's stirring up controversy with homeowner associations.

'It is a community with a feeling of community, and this is why I feel for us to be told that we have to do away with what we agreed to is stepping on us,' said Worman's Mill housing association treasurer Cora Alter.

The Frederick community is responding to a bill that district delegates are pushing forward in Annapolis. If the bill goes forward, it will require homeowners associations to allow clothesline use - a way to promote and increase energy conservation.

That's quite a sentence Cora Alter cranked off. If you try to break it down logically your brain will start leaking from your ears.

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