Saturday, February 14, 2009

In Gingrich Mold, a New Voice for Solid Resistance in G.O.P. -

In Gingrich Mold, a New Voice for Solid Resistance in G.O.P. - "As Republicans confronted President Obama in another budget battle last week, their leadership included another new face: Representative Eric Cantor of Virginia, who as the party’s chief vote wrangler is as responsible as anyone for the tough line the party has taken in this first legislative standoff with Mr. Obama. This battle has vaulted Mr. Cantor to the front lines of his party as it tries to recover from the losses of November."
I was convinced the congressional Republicans were incapable of giving authority to anybody except chubby, jowly, inarticulate, insensitive dorks. It seems that I may have been wrong. Michael Steele, Eric Cantor...can it be that this party is regenerating itself?

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