Saturday, February 07, 2009

Cohousing offers green living, sense of belonging - Kansas City Star

Cohousing offers green living, sense of belonging - Kansas City Star: "Cohousing is a type of intentional community, where like-minded residents get together years in advance to plan, design and build homes in a neighborhood where they will eventually live together. What makes it 'cohousing' is the focus on mutual support and a sense of communal living that stresses the sharing of resources to have less of an environmental impact. It's different from a homeowner's association mainly because there's no decision-making hierarchy or board - all important moves are made by consensus."
Cohousing is actually voluntary, unlike CIDs, which are about as voluntary as being drafted into the military. It isn't for everybody, but it has been around in the US since the late 1980s and in Scandinavia for longer than that.

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