Sunday, February 08, 2009

CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - SC Governor: We’re moving close to ‘a savior-based economy’ « - Blogs from

CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - SC Governor: We’re moving close to ‘a savior-based economy’ « - Blogs from "“A problem that was created by building up of too much debt will not be solved with yet more debt,” Gov. Mark Sanford said Sunday, making a reference to the federal deficit spending that will likely finance the federal stimulus package.

“We’re moving precipitously close to what I would call a savior-based economy,” Sanford also said Sunday on CNN’s State of the Union.

The South Carolina Republican said such an economy is “what you see in Russia or Venezuela or Zimbabwe or places like that where it matters not how good your product is to the consumer but what your political connection is to those in power.”"

That's an interesting metaphor.

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