Monday, February 16, 2009

Clinton Says Don't Blame Him for the Economic Crisis - TIME

Clinton Says Don't Blame Him for the Economic Crisis - TIME: "On Monday morning's Today Show, Ann Curry's interview with the former president — recorded over the weekend outside a Clinton Global Initiative event in Texas — addressed Clinton's inclusion on TIME's list of the '25 People to Blame' for the global economic collapse. 'Oh no,' he responded, 'My question to them is: Do any of them seriously believe if I had been president, and my economic team had been in place the last eight years, that this would be happening today? I think they know the answer to that: No.'"
Bill Clinton has always loved to ask self-serving questions of hypothetical others and then supply his own self-serving answers. It is one of the clever little ways he slimes his way out of responsibility for the enormous problems he caused. This one is particularly egregious. All the people who say that his housing policies started the industry-wide collapse (which is everybody except him) would, he says, acknowledge that if he had received the full 16 years in office he deserved, none of this would have happened.

He is not done with us yet, mark my words. He will be back, just like the Joker, Lex Luthor, Dr. Octopus, and the rest of them.

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