Saturday, February 21, 2009

Chu jumps in 'deep end of the pool' - First Read - "Energy Secretary Steven Chu may be a Nobel laureate Ph.D. in physics, but his first forays into energy policy suggest he's a neophyte when it comes to the ways of Washington."
Such as, when asked what the Administration's message was for OPEC, which is meeting next month, he said he didn't know and felt "like I've been dumped into the deep end of the pool" or oil policy. And when asked about OPEC output levels, he said that was "not in my domain."

Oil policy isn't in the domain of the Secretary of Energy? Obviously he is talking complete nonsense. It is, and always has been.

Then later he said those answers reflected "more of my naivete than anything else."

I'd say "naivete" is the wrong word. "Ignorance" would be a better one, I think. Maybe being a Stanford University physics professor isn't the best preparation for that job.

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