Thursday, February 26, 2009

Burris' son got state job from Blago :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Roland Burris

Burris' son got state job from Blago :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Roland Burris: "The son of embattled Sen. Roland Burris is a federal tax deadbeat who landed a $75,000-a-year state job under former Gov. Rod Blagojevich five months ago, the Chicago Sun-Times has learned.

Blagojevich's administration hired Roland W. Burris II as a senior counsel for the state's housing authority Sept. 10 -- about six weeks after the Internal Revenue Service slapped a $34,163 tax lien on Burris II and three weeks after a mortgage company filed a foreclosure suit on his South Side house."

It isn't just that Burris Jr. got a job in the Blagojevich administration. He got a job with the agency "whose mission includes overseeing mortgage programs for low-income home buyers and anti-foreclosure initiatives."

A person could get the notion that here in Illinois clout is just about the only thing that matters.

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