Sunday, February 22, 2009

The Associated Press: Vegas, Midwest seek the $8 billion for fast trains

The Associated Press: Vegas, Midwest seek the $8 billion for fast trains: "The Republicans attacking President Barack Obama's economic stimulus package point to a project they dub the 'Sin Express' — a high speed rail link between Anaheim, Calif., site of Disneyland, and Las Vegas.

Not so fast.

In fact, competition for the $8 billion in mass transit construction is just beginning. Backers of numerous other planned high-speed rail corridors around the country are making their case for the money.

They notably include a Midwest initiative long supported by someone with even more clout than Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev., who strongly supports the Anaheim-Las Vegas line. That would be former Illinois Sen. Obama."

I like that midwest proposal, especially because I believe it puts Chicago at the center.

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