Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Albright College notes Black History Month with reminders of segregation: "Walking around Albright College's student center Tuesday afternoon was a bit like stepping back to the days before the civil rights era.

Two signs hung on a drinking fountain near the Campus Center dining hall. One was marked 'White' and the other read 'Colored Only.'

Similar signs were posted at two dining hall entrances - one for whites and one for everyone else.

A student committee organizing campus events for Black History Month came up with the idea to promote awareness of how far civil rights have advanced in America in the past 50 years."

I taught at Albright from 1990 to 1994. It is the most relentlessly PC college you can possibly imagine. That's why people would come up with such a horrible and offensive idea. They are so liberal that they believe nobody could ever think that anything they did was racist. In their own minds, they are so virtuous as to be incapable of racism--and doesn't everybody know that?

Actually, no.

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