Monday, February 09, 2009

Action Report: Elderly condo residents may have to go without power | News for New Orleans, Louisiana: " METAIRIE, La. – A group of Metairie Senior Citizens are hoping that they will be able to stay in what they call the perfect place to spend their retirement years. They say they can't afford special charges for repairs, and their condo manager says if they can't pay, the seniors may end up living in the dark... Each owner is billed by the condominium association for the cost of repairs, which average about $1500 per condo, and the bills went out in mid-January. The rules say they must be paid, or power can be cut off in a month."
Hey, this common interest housing is such a great thing for old people, isn't it?

I think if I ever retire (which is doubtful given that my so-called pension depends on funding from the State of Illinois) I'll buy a trailer and live like James Garner in The Rockford Files, except that instead of solving crimes I'll spend my days watching the skies for UFOs. Somebody has to do it.

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