Wednesday, February 25, 2009

ACLU Backs Florida Bait Shop Ticketed for Displaying U.S. Constitution | ABA Journal - Law News Now

ACLU Backs Florida Bait Shop Ticketed for Displaying U.S. Constitution | ABA Journal - Law News Now: "At first, it was a painting of game fish on an exterior wall of a Florida bait and tackle shop that drew adverse attention from sign code enforcement officials of the city of Clearwater, who said it violates a ban on a business displaying a depiction of the product it sells.

But, when by the city ordered the Complete Angler to paint over it, the shop instead covered it with a banner providing the text of the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution—and was cited over the banner, too, reports the St. Petersburg Times."

Maybe Florida has so many CIDs the governments think they need to act like homeowner associations.

1 comment:

  1. There is a whole website about the story and suit, including the original ACLU press release, the full text of the suit, photos, videos and more at
