Tuesday, January 27, 2009

WWII Veteran Freezes To Death In Own Home - News Story - WNEM Saginaw

WWII Veteran Freezes To Death In Own Home: Bay City Electric & Light Restricted Power To Man's Home After He Did Not Pay Bills: "An autopsy determined Schur died from hypothermia in the home he lived in for years. A medical examiner who conducted the autopsy on Schur told TV5 and WNEM.com that Schur died a painful death due to the hypothermia. Dr. Kanu Varani has done hundreds of autopsies, and he said he’d never seen a person die of hypothermia indoors. A neighbor who lives across the street from Schur is angered that the city didn’t personally notify the elderly man about his utility situation. Schur’s neighbor, Herndon, said Schur had a utility bill on his kitchen table with a large amount of money clipped to it, with the intention of paying that bill."
It was 32 degrees in his home. He was 93 years old. He didn't even know they had put a limiter on his meter that cut his power. How about this:

DTE [the Detroit power company] said it doesn't use limiters because the Michigan Public Service Commission discourages use of the devices. TV5 also found out that Bay City isn't regulated by the state agency because it's a municipal company. It has a review board that sets its standards. Now it could be sued as a result of its policy on limiters and the fact that it didn't personally notify Schur about the device.

"Could be sued"? How about, "Could be incarcerated"?

1 comment:

  1. How about, "Could be incarcerated"?

    Let's hope.
