Sunday, January 04, 2009

WBBM 780 - Chicago's #1 source for local news, traffic and weather - AP Digital

Illinois state workers to attend ethics seminar: "CHICAGO (AP) -- Think of a state that could use a little refresher course on ethics in government. There's a good chance a certain state whose governor allegedly tried to sell a U.S. Senate seat comes to mind.

And as it turns out, Illinois is set to hold just such an ethics course for state workers this Wednesday.

More than 200 state employees are expected to take part in the ethics seminar at University of Illinois-Chicago. Featured speakers include agency heads, as well as speakers from Gov. Rod Blagojevich's own office."

Not from The Onion. At my university, this charade takes place. We peons have been required to take ethics training on-line annually for several years now, while the bouffant crook who ran the state was busy peddling influence, facilitated by the rest of the gang in Chicago and Springfield.

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