Saturday, January 24, 2009

Virginia’s HOA bill, SB1489: stands the constitution on its head « HOA Constitutional Government

Virginia’s HOA bill, SB1489: stands the constitution on its head « HOA Constitutional Government: "What SB1489 really appears to be is not a bona fide homeowner/member initiated homeowner rights reformation, but another example of the hypocrisy surrounding authoritarian HOA private regimes: a top-down state imposition of laws designed to further deny homeowner rights and freedoms in order to make the defective legal scheme of HOAs workable."
George Starapoli weighs in with a detailed analysis of Virginia SB 1489.


  1. Senator Vogel informs me that she will look into improving the bill.

  2. The ONLY way to improve the bill is the pull it. This bill has no redeeming qualities whatsoever.

