Monday, January 05, 2009

Senate Dems in tough spot on Burris - Jonathan Martin and Martin Kady II -

Senate Dems in tough spot on Burris - Jonathan Martin and Martin Kady II - "Reid’s office isn’t backing down on its plan to not seat Burris — and top advisers to Burris are suggesting that Reid doesn’t want an African-American to succeed Obama.

“It’s interesting that all those who are viable are white women and the ones who are unacceptable are black men,” Prince Riley, a senior consultant to Burris, told Politico.

Riley was alluding to a Chicago Sun-Times story Saturday indicating that Reid called Blagojevich on Dec. 3, shortly before the governor was arrested on corruption charges, including the allegation that he'd tried to sell Obama's Senate seat to the highest bidder.

In the call — which was presumably taped by U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald, who'd tapped the governor's phones in the course of the investigation — Reid reportedly argued against appointing Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr., Rep. Danny Davis or state Senate President Emil Jones, all of whom are black, in favor of either state Veterans Affairs Director Tammy Duckworth, who is Thai-American, or Attorney General Lisa Madigan, who is white."

It is bad enough that Reid won't seat the only black Senator. Now it turns out that he also decided all three of the black candidates Blagojevich was considering were unacceptable to him, too. But the two white women? Perfectly OK. Even Tammy Duckworth, who is so unqualified for this job that it isn't even funny.

This story is hiding on blogs. If a Rebublican did what Reid has done, it would have been front page news and he would have been forced to resign. Remember Trent Lott?

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