Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Schwarzenegger Wants To Tax Car Repair, Golf - Sacramento News Story - KCRA Sacramento

Schwarzenegger Wants To Tax Car Repair, Golf - Sacramento News Story - KCRA Sacramento: "The Republican governor is proposing to extend California sales taxes to cover some services -- rounds of golf, auto repairs, veterinary care, amusement park and sporting event admissions, as well as appliance and furniture repairs.

The moves are part of his strategy to erase a nearly $42 billion budget deficit over the next year-and-a-half."

With states struggling to cover deficits, and taxes going up, it will be hard to persuade legislators to increase oversight of CIDs, let alone cut do something about double taxation or addressing these local CID construction mandates. Schwarzenegger has two CID reform vetoes under his belt already.

1 comment:

  1. And the exodus from California continues. The more taxes go up, the more the people decide to give up and leave.

    The problem is that many of the people who leave take with them the same tax and spend mindset that has sunk California into its present morass and spread it into other states like Oregon, Washington and Colorado.
