Saturday, January 10, 2009

Rust Never Sleeps | Anthony Bourdain

Rust Never Sleeps | Anthony Bourdain: "I don't know what the Chamber of Commerce will think of the Baltimore segment—or the city fathers of the other cities we're visiting on what we're referring to privately as the 'Rust Belt' show, but I can tell you that I am already a big fan of pit beef, the wonders of 'lake trout' (neither trout—nor from a lake as it turns out), and the heavy but wonderful, vodka soaked charms of Detroit Polish food and Macedonian pastries. And I wonder what my Russian friend and sidekick, Zamir is making of all this, the bombed out, half deserted inner cities, the abandoned Ford plant, the funny, tough-as-nails hard working people we're meeting whose jobs are either gone or under threat. I told Zamir I'd show him America and that's what I'm doing."
Food of the Rust Belt Cities? Sounds enticing.

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