Wednesday, January 14, 2009 | News | Blagojevich ally Emil Jones urges caution on impeachment | News | Blagojevich ally Emil Jones urges caution on impeachment: "Senate President Emil Jones, who has stood with Blagojevich throughout his battles with the General Assembly, ends a 36-year career in state government when he retires Tuesday.

On Monday, Jones urged his colleagues to be cautious when they take up the issue of Blagojevich's impeachment Jan. 26.

'Maybe all the evidence may point in one direction, but it may be the wrong person,' Jones said. 'We don't have all the facts.''"

Here's one thing we know for certain. Emil Jones is a clown who has been the key enabler of the worst governor in the nation for six years. Without Jones, Blagojevich wouldn't have been able to tie the state government in knots. It will take a long time to undo the harm this unholy duo have caused.

Just leave, OK? Shut up and leave.

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