Sunday, January 18, 2009

Mayor Sheila Dixon present at Obama's address, but not mentioned --

Mayor Sheila Dixon present at Obama's address, but not mentioned -- "At the start of Barack Obama's whistle stop tour to Washington today, the president-elect hailed the 'outstanding' mayor of Philadelphia, Michael Nutter. In Wilmington, he acknowledged Mayor James M. Baker by name.

Not so in Baltimore.

Mayor Sheila Dixon was one of thousands of Obama supporters braving hours of sub-freezing temperatures to greet him at War Memorial Plaza. 'It's an extremely huge deal for me,' she said in an interview before Obama's address. 'Words can't describe how ecstatic we are.'

But even as he gazed at City Hall, the man who will be the nation's first black president did not acknowledge that Baltimore's first black female mayor was in attendance.

That seems a bit harsh.

1 comment:

  1. Mayor Dixon, keep your head held up high. You are a child of God. You are being presecuted, like many of our earthly great leaders in the past. With God on your side, who can be against you?
