Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The fix for HOAs won't come from government - Tuesday, January 13, 2009 - The Goldwater Institute

The fix for HOAs won't come from government - Tuesday, January 13, 2009 - The Goldwater Institute: "Government policies have caused developers to oversupply HOAs to meet artificial demand for HOA communities. When HOAs are created to satiate government bureaucrats, rather than homeowners, it shouldn't be surprising that many HOA communities are neither well-crafted nor homeowner-friendly. But, the solution to the HOA problem is not more government intervention. It is less. The first step is for government to stop mandating and subsidizing the creation of HOAs."
From Nick Dranias. Thanks to Fred Fischer for the link.

1 comment:

  1. Once again, as Ronald Reagan would say, "Government IS the problem!!"

    Thanks to the Goldwater Institute for bringing up the point that the problems with homeowner associations and private local government stem from government policy, specifically that of mandating the creation of HOA corporations for all new subdivisions. This point cannot be overemphasized!!

    When HOA housing was a small niche in the overall housing market, buyers could make a conscious choice to live in a development with an HOA or to reject the HOA concept and opt for a development without an HOA. Now the buyer of new housing in many parts of the country is effectively denied any choice to avoid HOA controlled housing. In many cases, the buyer buys into a HOA controlled subdivision without realizing what he is getting into.

    The real reason there are so many HOAs is not because of buyer demand, but because of government interference in the housing market by mandating the creation of an HOA for each new subdivision. This must stop!!
