Saturday, January 31, 2009

Elected officials get an earful about condo association laws -- South Florida "BOCA RATON - State representatives pushing to reform condominium or home association laws got an earful from residents at a Town Hall meeting here on Saturday. More than 150 residents, from Miami-Dade County to Port St. Lucie and across to Naples attended the four-hour meeting where they shared stories about the problems they face when they live in a condo or homeowner association community...[T]he most prevalent concerns were harassment or retaliation against unit owners who speak out against the actions of the board or a board member, abuse of power by associations and the lack of protection for unit owners when their boards act inappropriately or maliciously."
Shocking. Imagine that. Abuse of power by HOA boards and nowhere for the owners to turn. Why hasn't somebody pointed that out before?

1 comment:

  1. Many of us, especially those made homeless, by these frauds, have been "pointing this out," for over ten years! Gee, "nowhere for owners in one of these groups to turn?" That sounds familiar too!
    I suggest the local domestic violence shelter, as these battles have the history of quickly becomming very ugly, abusive, dangerous and destructive of ones health, as well as finances. RUN, DON'T WALK, for the terroristic activities of many of these boards is criminal, but no one seems to care and we all know, NO ONE LISTENS! EVEN THOSE EMPOWERED TO CARE, PROSECUTE, AND LISTEN!
