Monday, January 12, 2009

Dems accept Burris into the Senate - Manu Raju and John Bresnahan -

Dems accept Burris into the Senate - Manu Raju and John Bresnahan - "The Roland Burris saga is over, as Democratic Senate leaders have accepted his credentials, clearing the way for him to be sworn in as the junior senator from Illinois by the end of this week.

The decision ends an embarrassing chapter in Democratic politics and allows the Senate to move on after the Burris spectacle dominated the opening week of the 111th Congress

In a statement issued after a 45-minute meeting between Senate officials and Burris’ lawyers, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) and Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) said Burris is the senator-designate from Illinois now that the secretary of the Senate has approved his latest credentials."

If you look at this situation from start to finish, from when Blagojevich started thinking about filling Obama's seat to the imminent seating of Burris, it is hard to retain any faith in the competence or integrity of our politicians, and particularly the Democrats who are now in charge of the country. It is as though nobody has any concept that their office is a public trust with limited power and a specific governmental purpose. Instead, everybody acts like the office belongs to them, they can do whatever their party will let them get away with, and to hell with any limits. I think the situation would be improved if Illinois voters had the recall power, and I wouldn't mind seeing that at the national level, either. Maybe it is time to amend the Constitution.

1 comment:

  1. Perhaps, the time has finally come to throw another little tea party?

    In light of Obama's Chicago ties, maybe Lake Michigan this time instead of Boston Harbor! Let all those who choose to attend bring their own Lipton or Celestial Seasonings!
