Sunday, January 04, 2009

Democratic Underground - On one hand, we have Dems threatening not to seat an African American - Democratic Underground

Democratic Underground - On one hand, we have Dems threatening not to seat an African American - Democratic Underground: "On one hand, we have Dems threatening not to seat an African American duly appointed to serve in the US Senate by a sitting governor; an African American who has worked his way up from local office through statewide office before this appointment.

On the other hand, we have Dems cheering the naming of a wealthy white woman who has never held public office, interviews badly, but has an important surname and the 'right' pedigree.

No further comment needed."

This Democratic Underground post was linked on Instapundit. I knew the issue would go in this direction. Blagojevich is crafty, isn't he? If Harry Reid follows through on his threat to physically block Burris from entering the chamber, he is an even bigger fool than he appears, which is saying something.

We are at a historic low point in the quality of American public policy makers. Even the ones at the top of the heap are abysmal. Not just in Illinois--in Washington, and I mean both parties and all three branches of government.

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