Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Chicago Boyz » Blog Archive » Why California is No Longer a Paradise

Chicago Boyz » Blog Archive » Why California is No Longer a Paradise: "California has followed the grim path of the Great Lakes states. As I wrote before, those states where once the industrial dynamo for the entire Earth, yet they destroyed that enormous economic dominance by political policies hostile to economic creativity. Likewise, California had a golden era as an economic and cultural dynamo. Well up until the late 1980s California was the place to go to make it big. People moved from other states to California. Now, internal migration has reversed. California looks less like a dreamland and more like basket case waiting to happen."
Interesting post, and it makes a lot of sense, but I think it is oversimplified, both with regards to the upper midwest and California. Chicago is a booming city, Detroit is a dump. There are other things going on besides politics.

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