Saturday, January 17, 2009

Canal ice helps Dutch rediscover national identity - International Herald Tribune

Canal ice helps Dutch rediscover national identity - International Herald Tribune: "NIEUWERKERK AAN DEN IJSSEL, Netherlands: For the first time in 12 years, the Netherlands' canals froze this month, bringing the Dutch, who like their tulips in neat rows, a heady mix of pandemonium and euphoria.

Hundreds of thousands of skaters, their cheeks as red as apples in the freezing temperatures, took to the ice, and hospital wards were filled with dozens of people with fractured arms, sprained ankles and broken legs."

Take a look at the photo of people skating on the canal with windmills in the background. Does that look like fun, or what? For our part here in the Chicago area, yesterday it was -18 F. The wind chill factor took it down to -36. A bit cold for skating on our frozen lake.

I guess Al Gore should basically lay low for the rest of the winter. He won't find a receptive audience in the general public at the moment.

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