Tuesday, December 02, 2008


USATODAY.com:Cities cut back, citing shortfalls: "Battered by record foreclosures and falling tax revenue, cities are laying off workers, raising fees and closing libraries and recreation centers. 'Almost every city in the country is feeling the impact,' says Chris Hoene, director of policy and research at the National League of Cities. A survey in September found that city finance officers expect revenue from property, sales and income taxes to decrease 4.3% this year, Hoene says.

The problem will be worse next year, he says, because there is a lag between current economic conditions and when they affect city revenue. 'Local officials know that if things are tight now,' he says, 'tougher choices are coming.' The survey found that 79% of cities expect their finances to worsen in 2009."
The housing boom comes full circle.

1 comment:

  1. I think this is a great blog, and I would like to Post a Comment

    There has been some recent news you might like to hear.Obama is making it better for us already! There has been an increase of money availability to everyone. Due to recession there is increased funding for all types of grants. Even lenders are bending over backwards to bail you out too. Regardless of statistics, there is people getting tons of cheap money for personal use, investments,start businesses, buy homes, pay off debt, and more. Bailout is for YOU
