Saturday, December 20, 2008

Rubidoux man mauled to death by own dogs | Inland News | | Southern California News | News for Inland Southern California

Rubidoux man mauled to death by own dogs | Inland News | | Southern California News | News for Inland Southern California: "Two dogs mauled their 60-year-old owner to death Friday afternoon when he stepped into the backyard of his Rubidoux home to smoke, officials said.

Gerald Adelmund was declared dead at the cream-colored house in the 5700 block of Kenwood Place after deputies pulled him inside, said Riverside County sheriff's Sgt. Dennis Gutierrez.

'This is an unfortunate, very tragic accident,' Gutierrez said.

He said he did not know why the dogs attacked Adelmund or who dragged him into the house.

The dogs were described as a 4-year-old, 107-pound male, part pit bull and part mastiff, and a 52-pound female pit bull, about 6."

Time for the pit bull lovers to blame the guy they ate. These dogs need to be sterilized--every last one of them.