Saturday, December 13, 2008

My Way News - Ill. sinks deeper into chaos over scandal

My Way News - Ill. sinks deeper into chaos over scandal: "Illinois plunged deeper into turmoil Friday over disgraced Gov. Rod Blagojevich as the attorney general asked the state's highest court to strip the governor of his powers, billions of dollars in bills went unpaid and lawmakers moved closer to impeaching the scandal-plagued politician."
Our AG is the daughter of the most powerful state legislator--Mike Madigan, Speaker of the House. He wants to make her governor, like he made her a state legislator and then the attorney general. Now this silly, embarrassing, grandstanding lawsuit to have the IL Supreme Court oust the governor.

There is only one way to get rid of this abomination, if he won't resign. Her daddy has to move an impeachment resolution through the state house that he controls. Why hasn't he done that already? Perhaps because he wants her to grandstand and take some sort of bogus lead on the issue in the media, so that she can run for governor as the anti-Blago Democrat. This Supreme Court play, which is doomed to total failure, distracts the press and the public from the real question: where has the AG--supposedly our chief law enforcement officer--been, while Blago was running rampant breaking state and federal laws all over the place? Answer: she has been turning the AGs office into a warm and fuzzy, touchy-feely place where she can show how much she cares about the little people. She is true to Chicago Machine form: the reason the feds always have to do the heavy lifting on Illinois corruption is that the Cook County State's Attorney and the Illinois Attorney General never seem to notice anything. So, Mike Madigan is enabling his daughter to create the false impression that she is using her power to rid us of this bonehead governor, when in fact she hasn't done a damn thing.

It makes a strange kind of sense, though: in Illinois, the remedy for a governor who abused his power is for the Speaker of the House to abuse his power, so his daughter the Attorney General can abuse her power, by asking the state Supreme Court to abuse their power.

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