Thursday, December 04, 2008

The Libertarian Moment: Despite all leading indicators to the contrary, America is poised to enter a new age of freedom. - Reason Magazine

The Libertarian Moment: Despite all leading indicators to the contrary, America is poised to enter a new age of freedom. - Reason Magazine: "We are in fact living at the cusp of what should be called the Libertarian Moment, the dawning not of some fabled, clichéd, and loosey-goosey Age of Aquarius but a time of increasingly hyper-individualized, hyper-expanded choice over every aspect of our lives, from 401(k)s to hot and cold running coffee drinks, from life-saving pharmaceuticals to online dating services. This is now a world where it’s more possible than ever to live your life on your own terms; it’s an early rough draft version of the libertarian philosopher Robert Nozick’s glimmering “utopia of utopias.” Due to exponential advances in technology, broad-based increases in wealth, the ongoing networking of the world via trade and culture, and the decline of both state and private institutions of repression, never before has it been easier for more individuals to chart their own course and steer their lives by the stars as they see the sky. If you don’t believe it, ask your gay friends, or simply look who’s running for the White House in 2008."
Here is Nick Gillespie answering the "Libertarianism is Dead" argument (see below for that).


  1. Looking forward to the elimination of the most insidious private institute of repression that exists - HOAs.

    Too many folks confuse numerosity with popularity. HOAs are about as numerous as cockroaches and just as unpopular. Unlike cockroaches, they don't reproduce. However, like cockroaches they are hard to kill and take extraordinary efforts.

    Perhaps a parasite is a better analogy. HOAs are an unwelcome parasite and they are difficult to kill without killing the host(s). They contaminate the land like superfund sites for litigation and misery.

    So depending upon whether you view them as insect pests, parasites, or cancer - call Orkin, the doctor, or an oncologist to get rid of them before they eat you alive.

  2. Anonymous--I love the analogy to cockroaches and parasites.

    Now I'm looking forward to reading the defense of libertarianism. Who knes I was living in the "utopia of utopias"? I'd better get with it.
