Friday, December 05, 2008

Climate scientists say 2008 will be coolest year of the decade | Environment | But this does not, they say, mean that global warming is slowing. Nothing can disprove that. We could be watching battles between woolly mammoths and sabertooth tigers in the driveway and still the scientists would tell us it doesn't disprove global warming.

It was 6 degrees here in Lindenhurst this morning.


  1. One cannot generalize overnight low temps to broader climate change. Weather is short term, climate long term.

  2. True. So, perhaps those who believe in global warming theory should stop using every heat wave and hurricane as support for their argument, no?

    I'll stop if they will.

  3. lol. I agree about the heat waves and hurricanes. But you're better than that, Evan. :)

  4. OK, Beth, I take it back. The temperature shot up to 12 just now.
