Thursday, December 04, 2008

Buyers flock to condo auction, ready to snap up bargains - MarketWatch: "LOMBARD, Ill. (MarketWatch) -- Voices shout dollar amounts across the packed hotel ballroom until the bids stop flowing, the hammer falls and the auctioneer cries, 'Sold!'
Backed by applause and the sounds of a live rock band playing 'Money (That's What I Want),' the winner marches through the crowd to claim his prize -- the $416,000, three-bedroom condominium unit he's just bought for $260,000. At the back of the room, a bartender stands poised to serve customers drinks during a brief intermission."

I'm sure he read the CC&Rs carefully from front to back before getting drunk. Would any libertarians care to explain how this mob scene constitutes a contract to conform to all the rules and regulations that exist now or might be adopted in the future?

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