Friday, December 05, 2008 Worldwide: "U.S. governors will ask that any federal stimulus plan for the states include as much as $100 billion in aid to help cover the swelling costs of social services, Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich said.

Forty-eight governors met with President-elect Barack Obama today to press their case for a federal package to help them weather the U.S. recession that began in December 2007."

Blagojevich is still a free man, amazingly. Maybe they let him do the talking to the press on this pathetic request because they figure that soon he will be doing the perp walk anyway. Or perhaps I am just getting my hopes up.

In any event, Fred Pilot sent this link to the latest sad episode in the Great Bailout Debacle. States are taxing bodies, unlike banks and insurance companies and auto manufacturers. They are governments that make most of the laws we, and they, live by. For them to go begging to Washington for federal tax dollars is a joke.

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