Thursday, December 04, 2008

The Associated Press: Chicago would get $1.1B in parking meter lease: "The proposed lease in Chicago is the latest for a city that has already cut deals to lease other property to raise money — including Midway Airport and the Chicago Skyway."
Daley is privatizing transportation infrastructure all over the place. The parking rates are going to double immediately. It is politically unpopular to raise tolls and parking rates, so instead you sell--excuse me, "lease"--the facilities with the understanding that the price you received for the facilities (in this case, the parking meters) is justified only if the private company is going to double the rates. The private company knows it, and the city knows it. But the idea (for the Daley Machine) is that the morons who vote--and that's what the Machine thinks they are--don't get that the government in effect just doubled their parking rates. Instead they will blame the selfish, evil, profit-seeking corporate insect. I guess they are right, because despite waste, incompetence, graft, corruption, and criminal convictions, the voters keep trotting off and re-electing Daley, et al.

Ah, privatization--the gift that keeps on giving to local government.

1 comment:

  1. Either they will blame the "selfish, evil, profit-seeking corporate insect," or they will applaud the decision because it reduces the size of government. Why should our taxes have to pay for the cost of collecting the parking fees? Lets have companies compete to provide that service.
