Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Pirates anchor hijacked supertanker Sirius Star off Somalia coast | World news | guardian.co.uk: "The Saudi Arabia-owned supertanker hijacked by Somali pirates in a raid several hundred miles out to sea is understood to have anchored off the coast of Somalia."
Fascinating example of private navies wreaking havoc. What to do? How about privatizing the response? It's right in the constitution: letters of marque and reprisal: Article I, Section 8: Congress has the power "To...grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water;"

That means commissioning privateers to go get the scalawags and keep a portion of what they recover as their booty. I think you would get plenty of well-armed and well-trained volunteers, especially in this economy. Maybe a team of ex-SAS and Special Forces lads in a fast boat with a few Zodiacs and the proper hardware?

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