Sunday, November 23, 2008

The Obamas Walk Away from Public Schools (Cato @ Liberty)

The Obamas Walk Away from Public Schools (Cato @ Liberty): "When they move from Chicago to D.C., Malia and Sasha Obama will be moving from the prestigious private Lab School to the prestigious private Sidwell Friends school — Chelsea Clinton’s old stomping ground.

Not that there’s anything wrong with that. In fact, it’s wonderful that the Obamas had such a broad range of public and private school choices available to them. What’s puzzling is that the president-elect opposes programs that would bring that same easy choice of schools within reach of families who lack his personal wealth"

Not puzzling at all, and there is something wrong with it: hypocrisy. Democrats like Obama get massive campaign donations from the public school teachers' unions, in exchange for demanding more money from taxpayers to pay the teachers. They even criticize people who moved out of cities to find decent public schools for their kids. But send their own kids to public schools? Not a chance. Their support for public schools is only deep enough to get those millions of dollars in bundled checks from public school teachers.

Biden's kids went to private schools, of course, but Sarah Palin's kids attended public schools in Wasilla, according to this.

1 comment:

  1. I've been wondering if the Lab School is a job benefit for U of Chicago employees. Here where I teach, we have a great preschool that charges lower fees to employees & students, and it's wonderful to be able to drop in during the day. I'd feel differently about someone using an employee benefit than someone driving their kids across town to the $15k/year preschool.

    That doesn't explain Sidwell Friends, though.
