Monday, November 24, 2008

Obama skips church, heads to gym - Jonathan Martin and Carol E. Lee -

Obama skips church, heads to gym - Jonathan Martin and Carol E. Lee - "President-elect Barack Obama has yet to attend church services since winning the White House earlier this month, a departure from the example of his two immediate predecessors.

On the three Sundays since his election, Obama has instead used his free time to get in workouts at a Chicago gym.

Asked about the president-elect's decision to not attend church, a transition aide noted that the Obamas valued their faith experience in Chicago but were concerned about the impact their large retinue may have on other parishioners. "Because they have a great deal of respect for places of worship, they do not want to draw unwelcome or inappropriate attention to a church not used to the attention their attendance would draw," said the aide."

So he goes to the gym instead of church to show his deep respect for churches, unlike Bush and Clinton, who showed their contempt for churches by going to church.

1 comment:

  1. How bloody considerate of him!

    What utter codswallop.
