Sunday, November 23, 2008

Needed: Network bailout? - Entertainment News, TV News, Media - Variety: "It's D-Day for the broadcast networks.

They've been living on borrowed time for the better part of two decades, thanks to advertisers willing to toss in more cash each year even as ratings slowly trended ever lower.

But with the economy in a tailspin -- and the Big Three auto manufacturers, some of TV's best advertisers, near ruin -- the biz may finally have to pull the emergency cord."

In our house nobody watches the major networks. I haven't seen an episode of a prime-time television show since the X-Files went off the air. Major sporting events are about it for me. I couldn't stomach a network news program to save my life. The kids watch the specialty children's channels for cartoons and Hannah Montana.

Sometimes I wonder who is watching all this programming. Apparently their numbers are dwindling. Soon it will be just that guy with the banjo from Deliverance.

1 comment:

  1. I think it already is just the cast of deliverance. Can't imagine many other people willing to waste away in front all that drivel.

    Thank God for alternatives, like The Privatopia Papers with pithy comments providing us with the ultimate No Spin Zone.
