Friday, November 07, 2008

His Job at Bear Gone, Mr. Fox Chose Suicide -

His Job at Bear Stearns Gone, Mr. Fox Chose Suicide - "Barry Fox, a research supervisor who worked for nine years at the brokerage firm, took a drug overdose and then jumped from his 29th-floor apartment the evening in May after he learned he wouldn't be hired by J.P. Morgan Chase & Co., which was about to buy his firm."


  1. I am truly sorry for this man's family and loved ones. This is terribly sad and the Lord only knows why this man was so desperate and felt so hopeless.
    What about the innocent, vulnerable victims of the HOA/COA foreclosure frauds, terrorized in/out of their homes? No place to go, no one to listen, no one to help! HOW DESPERATE, HOPELESS, ETC., DO YOU THINK THESE FAMILIES FEEL?
    Fraudulently fined, sued, harassed, and no one wanted to listen. Just when I think I have heard the worst, I received another case from Monroe County, Pennsylvania where ANOTHER innocent woman has been targeted, terrorized, harassed, threatened, bullied, etc., by the CHIEF chauvinistic board president and his associates. HER CRIME APPEARS TO BE HER ETHNICITY! What this woman had to say is beyond belief and I will post her statement when I have it. These are disgusting acts and those who are responsible
    need to be fined and go to jail for a very long time, along with being forbidden to ever serve in any similar position ever again!
    HAO's/COA's, etc., this concept, have set womem's rights back 100 years due to far too many of these despicable board members and their acts of unwarranted, unjust aggression, against those vulnerable. As far as these "gangs" are concerned, it appears they believe women do not deserve to own their own homes! It is even worse if her home is better/nicer than theirs!
    Dr. McKenzie, will you please wake up and enlist some other decent, well educated, enlightend individuals to speak out on behalf of those victimized! No industry, because they appear to be the problem and not the solution!

  2. I firmly agree with anonymous, above! I am a former board member and I believe the abuse by many of these boards is far greater tahn anyone wants to admitt.
    In addition, among a number of other safe guards, no individual should be considered for a board position without a background check! Especially, a criminal background check! I have seen a few and you have no idea of what some of these individuals have done and to whom they have done it to! These are scary people.
