Sunday, November 30, 2008

The Gillette News-Record: Today

Convicted HOA fund embezzler now facing state charges after doing federal time: "She testified Wednesday that she wouldn’t have taken the plea deal in federal court if she had known she’d later face state charges. “I was assured there was going to be no state charges,” Deliramich said.

Local prosecutors waited until she finished her federal sentence before bringing state charges.

In his ruling, District Judge Michael “Nick” Deegan said there was no deal because there was never a meeting of the minds, or common understanding, between the two attorneys. Deegan believed both lawyers were telling the truth. This probably was a misunderstanding, he said.

The decision means the state can pursue its case against Deliramich. She has pleaded not guilty to 11 felony counts ranging from forgery to embezzlement. If convicted, she could face up to 10 years in state prison for each count.

The charges came to light in 2003 when the homeowner’s board realized that four unauthorized loans had been made from First Interstate Bank. Deliramich, 56, allegedly forged board members’ signatures to obtain the loans."
Another HOA embezzlement case--thanks to Fred Pilot for this link.

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