Monday, November 03, 2008

Election 2008 :: Karl Rove

Election 2008 :: Karl Rove: "The final Rove & Co. electoral map of the 2008 election cycle points to a 338-200 Barack Obama electoral vote victory over John McCain tomorrow, the largest electoral margin since 1996."
The Evil One takes time away from tuning up his Hurricane Machine to predict an Obama landslide. I notice that he gives Florida, Virginia, Ohio, and Pennsylvania to Obama. The way I see the race, those are the key states. They add up to 81 electoral votes. McCain would have to win all of them to win the election with a bare 281 electoral votes (it takes 270 to win). I don't think that is possible, which is why I have been saying for a long time that Obama will win. But it would be quite a disaster for Republicans if McCain lost all of them, as Rove predicts. It could be closer than 338-200, especially if Obama's "bankrupt them" comments about the coal industry hurt him in PA.

1 comment:

  1. The strategy now is to set the bar so low that it looks like the GOP got some kind of moral victory out of election day. Then I suppose you take that momentum, if you can even call it that, and try to get either the House or Senate back in 2010.
