Saturday, November 01, 2008

Daley's plan to charge for dumpsters dumped on :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Politics

Daley's plan to charge for dumpsters dumped on :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Politics: "Business groups, condominium associations and aldermen on Friday dumped all over Mayor Daley's plan to charge an annual fee as high as $300 for every one of their garbage dumpsters.

Daley wants to raise up to $9 million during part of 2009 — and at least $25 million in subsequent years — by requiring businesses and condo associations to buy annual permits for their over-sized garbage containers."

Another distinction for Chicago, to go with the highest sales tax in the nation. And the highest murder rate. And the harshest gun ban. And the crookedest city and county and state governments. Not that any of these are related. Just saying.

1 comment:

  1. Another example of the last municipal dictator in our country making a complete (insert democratic icon here) of himself. "Red-nose" Richie goes way over budget on Millenium Park, SELLS OF CHICAGO'S DOWNTOWN PARKING GARAGES TO PRIVATE OWNERSHIP!, and is now scrambling to come up with $. I'll provide an idea even his corrupt, incompetent old man could've come up with. Get with the times and stop violating the second ammendment. Legalize handgun ownership for law abiding citizens and then you can charge for annual licensure and registrations. How does this tool continue to get reelected?
