Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Council ranks term 'British' with 'negroes' and bans it in case it upsets Scots, Welsh and minorities | Mail Online

Council ranks term 'British' with 'negroes' and bans it in case it upsets Scots, Welsh and minorities | Mail Online: "The word ‘British’ can be as offensive as ‘negro’ and ‘half-caste’, according to a race relations body.

The publicly-funded organisation’s views have been adopted by Caerphilly council in South Wales for a leaflet advising staff on how to deal with the public.

In a section on what words or phrases not to use to avoid causing offence, the leaflet solemnly informs the council’s 9,000 workers: ‘The idea of “British” implies a false sense of unity – many Scots, Welsh and Irish resist being called British and the land denoted by the term contains a wide variety of cultures, languages and religions.’"
The nation's official name is "The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland," so whaat do you call people from that nation, if not British? Do we call them "Uniteds"? "Kingdomites"? How about "UKs"?

I hope this madness doesn't spread across the pond. If the PC police start saying we can't call ourselves Americans there will be a revolution.

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