Tuesday, November 04, 2008

But Where Did Bush Go Wrong? - HUMAN EVENTS

But Where Did Bush Go Wrong? - HUMAN EVENTS: "The GOP needs to confront the truth: The failure of the Bush presidency lies not in a failed execution of policy but in the policies themselves and the neoconservative ideology that informed them. Yet, still, the party remains in denial, refusing to come to terms with the causes of its misfortune. One expects they will be given the time and opportunity for reflection soon."
Pat Buchanan is not overburdened with redeeming qualities, but in these few sentences I think he makes a good point. The Republican party needs to rethink itself. The Bush mix of neoconservative interventionism in foreign policy, religion-based social policies, and free market economics won't sell in this country anymore--at least, that's the way it looks today.

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