Friday, November 14, 2008 » Illinois 8th Grader’s T-Shirt Experiment Documents Anti-McCain Bias
After living in Oak Park for 8 years, I am not surprised at all by this. It is the most intolerant place I've ever seen. The kids are brainwashed from birth ("Democrat good. Republican bad. Liberal good. Conservative bad. Unitarian Church good. Born again Christian bad. Oak Parkers good and tolerant. All other white suburbanites bad and intolerant.") and the groupthink in the public schools is astounding. This girl has tremendous courage to have retained her capacity for independent thought, let alone taking a risk like this.
Here is the John Kass column that broke the story.
Here is Kass' follow-up story.

1 comment:

  1. I hope that Obama's win will encourage people to think carefully through their principles.

    If it's bad (or good) when Dan Cooper must resign from Cooper Firearms for his political views, it should be bad (or good) when Scott Eckern must resign from the California Musical Theatre for his political views. If it's bad (or good) when schoolkids express support for McCain, it should be bad (or good) when they express support for Obama. etc. etc. Now that the president's party has switched, there will be many more opportunities for people to appreciate how the other side has been feeling for some years.

    I hope people come to remember that good American values do not belong to just one party.

    I also hope my kids will be this brave (and this intellectually curious) when they are Catherine Vogt's age.
