Sunday, November 02, 2008

Austerity style: Men of Britain, put down your hair gel - Features, Fashion - The Independent: "Of all the many effects of the current global economic meltdown – the plunge in property prices, inflation, rising unemployment – perhaps the greatest change will be in attitudes and, as a result, in behaviour. For men, this change could even be epochal: we may be witnessing a return to the virtues and values of an earlier generation. No one – no one sensible – would advocate a regression to the days when men were men, women were downtrodden and children were terrified, but perhaps, in tough times, some stiffening of masculine sinew is required. Maybe it's time to put some hair back on the nation's chest. Perhaps the word 'product' will once again indicate something we make, rather than something we wear in our hair."
Don't hold your breath.

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