Wednesday, November 26, 2008

ABC News: Cities Cut While Hoping for Government Aid

ABC News: Cities Cut While Hoping for Government Aid: "Think fewer libraries, fewer public works projects, fewer after-school programs, fewer police officers and fewer public employees overall.

Thanks to the whimpering economy, some city officials say such reductions will match their significantly smaller budgets. But they're also hoping the federal government will be able to ease at least some of the pain."

I notice that there are no responses yet to the municipal requests for federal aid. Many cities are asking for bailout funds--Atlanta, Philadelphia, Phoenix, Detroit, and others--but so far the only actual commitments I have seen are to major corporations. What about the counties? What about the states? Illinois, California, New Jersey, and a few others are deep in the hole.

How can there possibly be a federal solution to all the different problems that created these governmental budget deficits?

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