Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Panama Guide - Home Invasion Robberies, Safety, and Security in Panama

Panama Guide - Home Invasion Robberies, Safety, and Security in Panama: "Gated Communities: Many foreigners who talk about moving to Panama often eschew gated communities. They say they would prefer to mix and mingle with their Panamanian counterparts and don't want to live behind a wall or a fence. That's fine, but there's no doubt that gated communities exist for a reason, and the reason is that the people living in those communities are the most likely to be targeted for an armed home invasion robbery. As a foreigner you have a big, fat target painted on your back the minute you get off of the plane at Tocumen airport. Most of the real estate projects and developments have taken the safety and security of their residents into consideration in their planning, so be sure to look for and to ask about those elements when making your choice. You don't have to live like a scared cat but at the same time you don't want to invite trouble either."
If the crime is that bad, I see the appeal of a gated community. The strange thing is that you see them even where the crime is practically nonexistent.

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