Friday, October 31, 2008

Pajamas Media » Ask Dr. Helen: Is It Time to ‘Go John Galt’?

Pajamas Media » Ask Dr. Helen: Is It Time to ‘Go John Galt’?"Do you ever wonder after dealing with all that is going on with the economy and the upcoming election if it’s getting to be time to “go John Galt”? For those of you who have never read Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged, the basic theme is that John Galt and his allies take actions that include withdrawing their talents, “stopping the motor of the world,” and leading the “strikers” (those who refuse to be exploited) against the “looters” (the exploiters, backed by the government)."
That dynamic is already at work. The stock market reflects a fear that Obama will be elected. One thing is certain. Obama/Pelosi/Reid will not succeed in taxing the living daylights out of the upper 5% of the income distribution and giving everybody else a tax break, while expanding federal spending on health care, education, food stamps, etc., etc. That just won't happen. The rich won't sit around letting their money be taken. They will put it where the Democrats can't get it. The middle class, however, lacks those options and will get soaked for the cost of trying to turn the US into Sweden, if that's what comes own the pike. Maybe the Democrats will rethink their policies once they control everything.

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